Respect for Human Rights

Related Material Issues

  • Contributing to a safe and secure society

  • Diversity & Inclusion

  • Advancement of governance

  • Strengthen risk management framework

Policy and Concept

Recognizing that all persons engaged in Group business should adhere to the UN's Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we established the Tokyo Tatemono Group Human Rights Policy. We are promoting initiatives related to the human rights of employees and other stakeholders, including the prohibition of forced labor and child labor, and the realization of the prohibition of discrimination and harassment. By publishing this policy on our website and through other media, we communicate to our business partners and all other stakeholders our expectation that they will comply with the policy and promote initiatives to respect human rights. We also request our business partners to understand and adhere to the policy as well as address any issues they may have, as needed.

Furthermore, based on the policy, we conduct human rights due diligence and also work to identify, mitigate, correct, and remedy any human rights issues in our business.


The Group's Human Resources Department plays a central role in the system we have established for respecting human rights, working with related departments and Group companies while coordinating with outside experts and receiving ongoing support.

In addition, to identify issues and risks related to human rights, the Sustainability Committee, a meeting body directly under the President, discusses and shares information on actions to address these areas under the supervision of the Board of Directors.

In January 2023, the Group established a Human Rights Subcommittee, chaired by the director in charge of human resources, as a subordinate organization of the Sustainability Committee. The subcommittee promotes group-wide activities for respecting human rights while engaging in human rights due diligence and other activities. It has implemented training and awareness-raising activities in line with human rights priorities. To further expand human rights assessments when engaging in new overseas businesses, the subcommittee continues to work with related business divisions to consider and discuss the issues involved.

International Norms the Group Supports and Respects

  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the International Bill of Human Rights

  • ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and other international labor standards

  • Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

Compacts Tokyo Tatemono Has Signed and Endorsed in which the Group Participates

  • Protection of human rights, elimination of unfair labor practices, response to the environment, and prevention of corruption under the UN Global Compact (UNGC)

Initiatives for Human Rights Due Diligence

The Tokyo Tatemono Group is committed to establishing a human rights due diligence in accordance with the Tokyo Tatemono Group Human Rights Policy.

This policy received the support and advice of external human rights experts from the planning stage at the secretariat. In formulating the policy, we held a workshop attended by representatives of all 21 Group companies subject to it. Guided by expert facilitators, they exchanged opinions and discussed the categorization of human rights issues and risk assessments of the Group. After being discussed by the Sustainability Committee, the policy was formulated in May 2021.

Based on discussions at the workshop and advice from external advisors regarding the Group's priority human rights issues, and following consideration by the secretariat and discussion by the Sustainability Committee, we identified and disclosed the priority issues in May 2022.

Based on the priority issues identified, we continue seeking to gauge various human rights issues, which differ between business field and country or region, taking appropriate action should we identify any problems. At the same time, we are reinforcing our human rights initiatives while seeking advice from external experts regarding disclosure about the status of our efforts.
As an example of our efforts, we prevent forced labor by monitoring through a helpline and compliance surveys for all employees of the Group. In addition, we prevent child labor by conducting age verification using official documents for both new graduates and mid-career hires at our company.

We also actively promote engagement initiatives with stakeholders on human rights issues. We engage in dialogue with employees of the Company through compliance survey and periodic interviews by our Human Resources Department, and with our suppliers, including construction companies, through a questionnaire-based survey and feedback. With local communities, we engage in dialogue through explanations to local residents at the time of property development and interaction with local residents during property management.

Human Rights Priority Issues

  • Forced labor and child labor

  • Impact on local communities

  • Health and safety

  • Discrimination and harassment

  • Employee working conditions and working environment

  • Supplier working conditions and working environment

  • Right to privacy


Supply Chain Management

Related Material Issues

  • Contributing to a safe and secure society

  • Promoting a decarbonized society

  • Promoting a recycling-oriented society

  • Diversity & Inclusion

  • Advancement of governance

  • Strengthen risk management framework

Policy and Concept

The Tokyo Tatemono Group engages in business in collaboration with numerous business partners, including design and construction companies. Like the Group, our business partners also have an impact on the environment and on society, such as through the procurement of materials and employment associated with construction. We therefore believe that building a sustainable supply chain is indispensable.

In May 2021, the Group formulated Sustainable Procurement Standards based on our recognition of the need to pursue sustainable procurement throughout the supply chain in a way that ensures respect for human rights of all stakeholders including our employees, as well as consideration of environmental conservation.

The procurement standards apply to all business partners involved in Group businesses. They clearly set out the nine areas we consider critical. We are working to advance our supply chain management appropriately through various initiatives related to operating these procurement standards. Going forward, the Tokyo Tatemono Group will continue engaging with business partners to ensure their understanding of and cooperation with these nine items, pursuing sustainable procurement throughout the supply chain as we work toward a sustainable society.

Summary of the Tokyo Tatemono Group Sustainable Procurement Standards

1. Observance of Laws and Regulations
  • Compliance with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we operate

2. Respect for Human Rights
  • Ensuring compliance with and respect for international standards relating to human rights and respect for basic human rights based on international standards

  • Prohibition of discrimination and harassment

3.Assurance of Sound Labor Practices and Working Environments
  • Ensuring freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining

  • Eliminating and preventing forced labor and child labor

  • Prohibiting discrimination in labor conditions on the basis of race, nationality, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, social status, origin, etc.

  • Complying with laws and regulations governing minimum wages, overtime pay, benefits, etc.

  • Prohibiting illegal overtime and excessive labor

  • Creating a safe and healthy working environment

4. Fair Business Activities
  • Prohibition of bribery and other corrupt practices

  • Prohibition of unfair and anti-competitive transactions

  • Blocking relationships with antisocial forces

  • Prohibiting infringement on the intellectual property rights or trade secrets of third parties

  • Protection and appropriate management of personal information and confidential matters

  • Protection of confidentiality of information related to reporting and the anonymity of whistleblowers and eliminating retaliation against whistleblowers

5. Assurance and Improvement of Safety and Quality
  • Ensuring and improving the quality of products and services and disclosing accurate related information, reuse, and recycling

  • Responding sincerely to requests and complaints

6. Environmental Considerations
  • Promotion of energy-saving and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

  • Promotion of 3R, efficient use of resources, reduction of waste generation, reuse, and recycling

  • Prevention of pollution of air, water, soil, etc., and appropriate management and processing of chemical substances

  • Preservation of biodiversity and reduction of impact on ecosystems

  • Elimination of illegal raw material procurement

7. Co-existing with Local Communities
  • Building, maintaining, and strengthening good relationships with local communities

  • Understanding and respecting the culture and customs of local communities

8. Formulation and Construction of a BCP Framework
  • Formulate a business continuity plan (BCP) and build a system to implement it

9. Collaboration in the Supply Chain
  • Encourage business partners to understand, comply with, and improve these procurement standards.


Improving Quality and Customer Satisfaction

Related Material Issues

  • Strengthening Tokyo's competitiveness as an international city

  • Contributing to a safe and secure society

  • Community building and revitalization

  • Wellbeing

  • Addressing the diverse needs of customers and society

  • Revitalizing and Utilizing Real Estate Stock

Policy and Concept

The Tokyo Tatemono Group pays attention not only to quality in the "hard" aspect of our business--our buildings--but also to quality in the "soft" aspect, such as through the services we provide to our customers. We believe that our competitiveness as a business derives from building safe and secure communities and continuing to improve customer satisfaction. Therefore, access to public transportation is taken into consideration in all real estate developed by the Group, including office and residential buildings. Similarly, we have also assessed our accommodations for people with disabilities, and by introducing barrier-free accessibility and universal design, we aim to create spaces that are accessible to all customers, including the elderly and people with disabilities, as well as to local residents.
We require our suppliers, including construction companies, to improve safety and quality based on the Tokyo Tatemono Group Sustainable Procurement Standards. To check the status of their efforts, we have been conducting an annual questionnaire-based survey of our key suppliers.
Moreover, we have introduced various systems that reflect customer feedback into our business activities as well as strive to further enhance quality from the customer perspective and improve the satisfaction of our customers.


Revitalizing and Utilizing Real Estate Stock

Related Material Issues

  • Contributing to a safe and secure society

  • Community building and revitalization

  • Wellbeing

  • Addressing the diverse needs of customers and society

  • Revitalizing and Utilizing Real Estate Stock

Policy and Concept

Housing complexes built throughout Japan supported the nation's rapid growth after World War II. Several decades later, many of these aging structures face serious issues, including concerns about resilience against earthquakes and security and the lack of elevators. Moreover, although these housing complexes were once home to many child-rearing families, resident populations are now aging and declining. Consequently, in addition to revitalizing the aging structures themselves, a major issue is the revitalization of communities that foster the interpersonal connections of local residents. Through the renewal of existing property stock including housing complexes and buildings, the Group is helping to build safer and more secure communities for customers and local residents. Activities such as the renewal of existing property stock also enable us to create new value for the coming era, and to revitalize local communities.


Contributing to Our Communities

Related Material Issues

  • Strengthening Tokyo's competitiveness as an international city

  • Contributing to a safe and secure society

  • Community building and revitalization

  • Wellbeing

  • Addressing the diverse needs of customers and society

  • Value co-creation and innovation

Contributing to Our Communities

The Tokyo Tatemono Group believes that community engagement and volunteer activities contribute not only to community development, but also to sustainable business growth. With this in mind, we conduct a variety of activities to help strengthen ties between people in urban environments while supporting the well-being of local residents. In the various regions where our Group operates, we co-create with stakeholders such as local residents, NPOs, the public, private sectors, tenants of office buildings and residents of condominiums for sale or rent as we carry out various initiatives to enhance the value of the region. In this way, we work as a member of the local community to help build a prosperous society.


Human Resource Investment and Development

Related Material Issues

  • Improve employee growth and job satisfaction

  • Diversity & Inclusion

Policy and Concept

Tokyo Tatemono sees talent as the foundation of our organization, enabling our business to create value and grow sustainably.

We aim to better cultivate talent and create workplaces capable of creating added value. At the same time, we strive to innovate ourselves into a highly optimized organizational culture beyond individual or departmental optimization. As part of our innovation, we formulated our Human Resource Policy, based on which we have built our human resource development system and are working to acquire and develop our next generation of talent.

We have also identified improving employee growth and job satisfaction as a material issue for the Group. To address this issue, we have established an average training time of 15 hours or more of training per employee and a 100% career training participation rate each year as targets for promoting skills development.

Human Resource Policy

  • Developing ideal human resource

    Ideal human resource: a person that is trusted and that opens new avenues for the future

  • Realization of a satisfying working place

    where employees can feel their growth


Health Management / Occupational Safety and Health

Related Material Issues

  • Social implementation of technology

  • Improve employee growth and job satisfaction

  • Diversity & Inclusion

  • Advancement of governance

  • Strengthen risk management framework

Policy and Concept

To enable our executives and employees to be healthy in body and mind and to work with a lively spirit, Tokyo Tatemono Group has designated the president as the Chief Health Officer (CHO) and is working to maintain and improve the health of each individual Group executive and employee in accordance with the Group Health Management Declaration. In addition, the company has identified the personal growth and job satisfaction of our employees as a material issue. To deliver on this, we have set the following targets: increase the health checkup and reexamination rates to 100% each year; keep the smoking rate to 12% or less every year; increase the average annual paid leave utilization rate to 70% or more each year.

With regard to the supply chain, we request suppliers, including construction companies, to ensure sound labor practices and working environment based on the "Sustainable Procurement Standards" established in May 2021, with the aim of achieving health maintenance and promotion and occupational health and safety throughout the supply chain.

We will comply with laws and regulations that apply to minimum wages, which are essential for realizing stability in the lives of workers. In addition, in accordance with the principle of equal pay for equal work, there is no difference in pay based on gender or other factors, and we have a salary structure based on position and performance.

Tokyo Tatemono Group Health Management Declaration

The corporate philosophy of Tokyo Tatemono is "Trust beyond the era," which incorporates our will to strive for the growth of the company and the creation of a prosperous society, taking pride in the trust placed in us that extends over a century. To embody this corporate philosophy, we believe the health of our executives and employees, as well as their families, is vital. We see the mental and physical health of our executives and employees as the source of sustainable corporate growth and actively promote activities for every person to maintain and improve their health. I will strengthen our environment to achieve this as the chief executive officer responsible for health management, and I vow that we will endeavor to move toward health management as a unified Group.

Hitoshi Nomura
President and Chief Executive Officer
Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.

Health Management Strategy Map


The Sustainability Committee, which is chaired by the president, sets occupational health and health-related targets, formulates policies each fiscal year for achieving such targets, monitors progress on these, and evaluates their achievement. Important matters are then reported to and discussed by the Board of Directors, providing a system that is supervised by the Board of Directors.

Tokyo Tatemono established the Health Committee, which consists of representatives from the Personnel Department and each office/location, as well as industrial physicians. The Health Committee generally convenes once a month for the purpose of improving standards of occupational health in the workplace and encouraging officers and employees to maintain and improve their health. Moreover, we work to maintain and improve health throughout the Tokyo Tatemono Group via exchanges between group companies.

Health Management Promotion System


Diversity & Inclusion

Related Material Issues

  • Improve employee growth and job satisfaction

  • Diversity & Inclusion

Policy and Concept

With a shrinking population due to declining birthrates and aging demographics, it is important now more than ever to effectively utilize a workforce that includes women, senior citizens, and others in order to build a sustainable society. Organizations with diverse talent will be able to provide broader perspectives and make better decisions in service offerings from many different views.

Tokyo Tatemono established a Human Resource Policy that includes creating a fulfilling, rewarding workplace in which employees can experience growth and feel satisfaction from their work. We have identified diversity and inclusion as one of our material issues. To achieve this, we have set the following targets: by fiscal 2030, a ratio of women in management positions of 10% or more an employment ratio of each fiscal year the legally mandated employment ratio or more of persons with disabilities*; and by fiscal 2025, a ratio each year of male employees taking childcare leave of 30% or more.

We pursue the creation of an environment in which diverse human resources are motivated and dedicated in their work, acting freely without obstacle. We use work style reforms to enhance efficiency and enable a healthy work-life balance. We believe that these efforts will inspire innovations for providing customer-focused services and enhancing productivity, which will lead to corporate growth.

* At least 2.3% until March 2024, at least 2.5% from April 2024 to June 2026, and at least 2.7% after July 2026.


The Health Management and Diversity Promotion Group within the Tokyo Tatemono Personnel Department works with all group company departments, overseeing labor affairs in a group-wide support system. This Department engages in measures to ensure a diverse base of human resources can continue to grow, acting freely without obstacles.


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