The Tokyo Tatemono Group publishes sustainability-related information to communicate to all our stakeholders about our role in helping to realize a sustainable society and our initiatives in this area. All information concerning our sustainability initiatives is posted on our website, which is divided into two sections: the sustainability website, which is designed to provide easy-to-understand information to all stakeholders; and the Sustainability Report, which is our annual report.
We have enhanced the level of quantitative data provided in the Sustainability Report, with the aim of providing comprehensive and detailed information on our initiatives. We have selected themes that the Tokyo Tatemono Group considers important to society and our customers and for each theme, reported on our approach, indicators, and results for fiscal 2023.

Publication Date

1st Edition: June 2024 (Published)
2nd Edition: September 2024 (Updated)
(previous report published June 2023, next scheduled report June 2025)

Reporting Period

The period covered by this report addresses our activities in FY2023 (January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023). The report also presents some other information that is not limited to the fiscal year under review. Certain items in the Data section correspond to the period between April and March of the following fiscal year.

Scope of Coverage

This report primarily focuses on activities of Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd. However, some sections cover activities across the entire Tokyo Tatemono Group or group companies. Activities of Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd. are described using "Tokyo Tatemono." Activities of the entire group are described using "Tokyo Tatemono Group."

Referenced Guidelines

This report has been prepared by referring to the reporting standards and guidelines.

The Sustainability Reporting Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

The SASB Standards of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)

Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

The International Organization for Standardization's ISO 30414: 2018 Human Resource Management - Guidelines for internal and external human capital reporting

Third-Party Assurance

Tokyo Tatemono underwent a third-party quality assurance evaluation by LRQA in connection with certain environmental and social data to ensure the integrity of the data within this report. The type of data and numerical figures subject to this evaluation are indicated with .


Sustainability Management Department
Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.
Tokyo Tatemono Yaesu Building, 1-4-16 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8285
TEL: +81 (0)3-3274-0148

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