The Tokyo Tatemono Group participates in various initiatives in Japan and overseas, believing that collaboration between many different entities across countries, regions, and organizations is important for solving social issues.

United Nations Global Compact

Tokyo Tatemono is a signatory to the UNGC and registered the Tokyo Tatemono Group as a participating company. By supporting the UNGC, which addresses the four areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, we will help to realize a sustainable society.

United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)

The Tokyo Tatemono Group endorses and is a signatory to the TCFD recommendations. The Group will strengthen measures to combat climate change while giving greater disclosure in line with the information disclosure framework recommended by the TCFD (governance, strategy, risk management, metrics and targets with respect to climate change risks and opportunities).

TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)

SBT Initiative (SBTi)

The greenhouse gas emission reduction targets set by the Tokyo Tatemono Group for fiscal 2030 have been certified by SBT as being consistent with the levels required by the Paris Agreement (to limit the global average temperature increase due to climate change to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels).

SBT Initiative (SBTi)


The Tokyo Tatemono Group participates in this initiative with the aim of procuring 100% of the electricity consumed in its business activities from renewable energy sources by 2050.


Japan Climate Initiative(JCI)

Tokyo Tatemono is participating in the JCI, seeing climate change as a social issue that requires global collaboration.

Japan Climate Initiative(JCI)

The Japan Climate Leaders' Partnership

Tokyo Tatemono participates as a member of the JCLP. Together with other environmentally progressive companies, we aim to help realize a sustainable, decarbonized society through co-creation and collaboration across industries and sectors.

The Japan Climate Leaders' Partnership (JCLP)

Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity

Tokyo Tatemono expresses its endorsement of the Keidanren Biodiversity Declaration and Action Guidelines and participates in the Initiative.

Keidanren Biodiversity Declaration Initiative

Keidanren Nature Conservation Council

Tokyo Tatemono participates in the Keidanren Nature Conservation Council to acquire the latest information and trends related to biodiversity, working to improve biological diversity.

Keidanren Nature Conservation Council

Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

Tokyo Tatemono Realty Investment Management, the asset management company of Japan Prime Realty Investment Corporation, has endorsed and is a signatory to the PRI's basic principles.

Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

Principles for Financial Action Toward a Sustainable Society
(Principles for Financial Action in the 21st Century)

Tokyo Tatemono Realty Investment Management, the asset management company of Japan Prime Realty Investment Corporation, endorses and is a signatory to these principles.

Principles for Financial Action Toward a Sustainable Society (Principles for Financial Action in the 21st Century)
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